Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year...simple goals

A little inpiration to start....

So I cant say my goal for 2013 is to run the Princess Half Marathon...I guess you could say that it was a goal in 2012, taking that step to sign up and train.

So this year I want to stick will small goals...but health related...nothing like "I will lose 25 pounds" because for me this is unrealistic. I have never been able to focus on a weight loss goal, but if in the process of training, exercising and eating right...I continue to lose weight, then bonus for me!

My biggest resolution is to maintain my training...no more slacking. I have 51 days and 4 hours until The Princess Half Marathon weekend begins, that means I have less than 51 days to train, gain mileage and make progress on my pacing and stamina!
No exceptions, I cannot run less than 3 times a week, I will find it unacceptable and will somehow guilt myself for it!

Then after the PHM I want to continue running, continue exercising...which to me would be a good two runs a week/minimum as well as going to the gym.

So now I can only hope that the weather in New England warms up a bit, just enough to make it safe to run for long runs outside, and I can carry on with my short runs inside.

My other goal...for myself and the hubby is to find a home! We began the process of looking for a home, our first home, a couple months ago and have had no success..but we are taking our time and are in no rush to get into one asap, but sooner than later would be great!

So now I will continue on in the new year. Tomorrow I go back to work after a good week and a half off. Not ready...but totally ready at the same time.

What New Years resolution do you have?


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how excited you are about the upcoming Princess Half! Since I won't be participating in the Princess this year (first time in four years, but for good reason) I will be living vicariously through you! I cannot wait to read all about it!!!! :)

    My resolution is to get back to running after the baby is here. I miss it SO much!!
