Tuesday, January 29, 2013

23 days to go.

With only 23 days to go...(25 on this past sunday) I went to the gym for a 5mile run (on sunday). It didnt got very well.
I had to pause the dreadmill twice to just relax because I was feeling a little light headed. I know I probably should have just stopped, but I was determined. I dont know what was going on, I was drinking plenty of water, and ate at least an hour before I got to the gym. I ate a clemontine, banana, protein bar and some pirate booty! I also took my Heart Rate on the treadmill and at one point it seemed rediculously high! Maybe it was just because of how I was feeling, but I did not feel so hot.

Anyways I completed my run, then did some strength training and a little bike.
Right now I am really focused on getting a 10mile run in. I am praying for at least 30+ degrees on saturday so that I can get outside to complete it. I am hoping whatever I do on the treadmill in between now and then wont be as bad as sunday!

I am also taking another step in the right direction with my eating habits. I am drinking more water, less soda or none at all. Coffee is still fine, but I wont have one everyday, but if there is time in the morning to make some to take to work, I will. I am also increasing my green intake (broccolli, cucumber and celery) and it is quite filling! I will have a small bowl full of a mix with some veggie dip and that it pretty good for me at lunch. But I also try to have a little somthing else with it, maybe a yogurt or a special K bar just to keep my energy going until I can have something for a snack after work.
I am also making portions smaller at dinner. I dont normally have a big portion, but I am making a conscious effort to watch how much I scoop onto my plate, expecially when it comes to carbs. I know I need carbs for my energy for running, but I dont want to load up to much, or more than needed if I am not planning a long run for the next day.

For the upcoming Princess 1/2 Marathon I was planning on using my phone for music (Pandora radio) and then tracking. I was hoping to pause my RunStar app anytime I made a stop just to see what my finish time would be in comparision to my real finish time with stops made. But my worry is that doing that will use so much of my battery that even by charging it for maybe an hour when we get back to our room for a shower and change, that it wont last long enough for the rest of the day in the park. I may be looking into a cheap stop watch to wear, and then just using my ipod.

I just have to make sure I charge my ipod, or make sure it is charged enough. I have been noticing that the charge doesnt hold sometimes. I can charge it, and then not use it for over a month and when I go to turn it on, it is dead. The warranty I had on it is done, but maybe I need to contact Apple and see what happens.

So I think I have gone on, changed subjects a couple of times, and can wrap it up. Lets hope I come back with an update again sooner than last time.

The countdown has begun!


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