Monday, June 19, 2017

Almost 3 years....

If you have read this blog before, don't think I am doing my math wrong, I know I started this blog more than 3 years ago.
But it has been almost 3 years that the hubby and I have been TTC (trying to conceive). The past year, or a little more than that has been ups and downs of testings, and then giving it more time the all natural way, and then exploring deeper. 
Back in February we started, well mostly me first, started the journey with Boston IVF. This brought on more tests for me and the hubby, in hopes that maybe the IUI road would work instead of the more invasive IVF. But from further test results, the Doctor we are seeing thinks it is best to just skip right over IUI and onto IVF. 

The process has not begun due to other tests and visits to another specialist. So this has been the most frustrating part, is the waiting to begin. The waiting for all tests and doctor visits to be complete until I can get started. I have done all that is needed of me, but now the other half needs to complete all that is being asked of him. 

Part of me just wants it so bad, and wants to just scream because things aren't progressing as quickly as they could. This will be more of a venting post, and then as I continue to log this experience and adventure, it will be more about sharing what is happening, and of course the exploration of feelings and moving forward in this process.

After visiting with the urologist today, the doctor wants my husband to have an ultrasound, and to have another analysis of his swimmers done. They did some blood work on him today, which is something that also has been needed to be done, and finally is done. Another thing checked off the list, only to have two more added! Which of course they gave him a date for next week, because of course they only do ultra sounds on Wednesdays....and he has another appointment next Thursday for something unrelated. So then we scheduled it for the following week, not even thinking that it is the day after the 4th of July. So now will I be able to get him to move it up to next week instead, or will be moving out ANOTHER week!?
I can only hope that regardless, when I see my doctor at Boston IVF she will be able to continue with moving this process along, even if it means just signing some consent forms for the process and then when it is the right time, I can start whatever medications they decide I need to get my body ready!

Another frustrating thing that i know many others, no matter their fertility status is when you hear someone say "when are you having kids" "lets get going, have kids" "ya know, it would be nice to have a/another grandchild" and so on and so forth, especially from some that know it has been a while since you have been trying......and should know that is might not be easy! 

I have been lucky enough that I do have a couple people i know in person and via facebook that have had experience with things related to or having done IVF that I can talk to about their experiences and feel at ease. I have also found reading others experiences via other blogs/looking on pinterest to be helpful in know what to expect once the medication starts, when the egg retrieval happens and when the transfer happens. I am not looking forward to the increase of hormones in my body, and especially not excited about the needles I will have to stick myself with several times just to get those hormones. But I am excited and and feeling very VERY impatient about getting it started and hoping and praying for a positive result!

Stay tuned for more follow up appointment with Boston IVF is June 26th.