Yes it is true...i have taken yet more time off from running, yikes! I was doing pretty good last time I wrote, I have even signed up for another 1/2 Marathon in September. Which one you ask?
I am very excited, but also very nervous. It will have been a year since my last half marathon, so I want it to be even more amazing...well everything, the whole experience as well as my finish and finish time. So I discovered via a FB friend a training app called MyAsics. I used it for about a week, and then I got a cold. I couldnt run, it wouldnt have helped me get better. And of course I had signed up for a 10k the following week.
Here is a quick verbal recap with great pics!
So the race took place at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA, home to the New England Patriots!! I have heard of the race before, but just never signed up since it is in the beginning of July, which typically means high temperatures. And of course it was hot, but there was also a chance of rain which meant it was cloudy. So the weather was some what in our favor for a race starting at 6:30PM.
So my friends and I got there early, got to walk around and stretch for a bit. I saw the 5k runners start, there was a LOT of them! Even 5 of the NE patriot Cheerleaders were running.
The Finishers!!! Woo Hoo! |
Then 6:15 or later approached we began lining up. I was not ready for this, but had some goals in mind, but knew if I didnt hit them, I would be ok with that. For the first 4 or so miles, leaving from the stadium parking lot, the race was in a residential neighborhood. And let me tell you, those were the best residents ever! Many of them were outside spraying their hoses and sprinklers at us runners to help keep us cool. It was mighty helpful and very much appreciated.
As we entered the back gate, the stadium was in our sites. Of course you think "I am almost there!" but in reality you still have roughly 1.5 or so miles to go. As you approach a stadium entrace (where you typically scan your ticket) there was a woman saying your almost there, which was kind of true...but still 3/4mile to go i would say. They then take you back into the parking lot and have you run what seems like a mouse maze. Then the big finale!
A run through the tunnel! The inflatable helmet tunnel! It was cool! Photographers are all lined up through to the finish, which of course I forgot to mention the race was called "Finish at the 50" so like it says, the finish like was on the 50 yard line! It was awesome!
free red, white & blue hat swag, fashionable |
gracious residents! |
and they had beer.. |
the end is in sight...but its not as close as you think! |
a shot of the finish line! |
a delicious and well deserved burger! |
Finisher medal!! |