The IVF journey continues.
I don't recall what information I ended with in the last post, and I am going to be honest, I am just to lazy to check!
Since then, or maybe once i posted the last one, my husband made a trip to the Urologist. From that appointment the Doctor wanted him to get blood work done to check hormone levels, an ultrasound of his "area" and another semen analysis. The blood work he was able to get done that day, and results came back....low Testosterone. yay.
While we were there we scheduled his ultrasound, which they had an opening the following week..and of course they only do them on Wednesdays. But he had another appointment with a different, unrelated doctor that same week. So we opted for July 5th...not even thinking, oh that's the day after the 4th. That thought came a day or two later, and too late to get an appointment on the 28th of June. So that pushed it to this coming wednesday the 12th.
With that being said and done, I had to push my follow-up appointment with the Doctor at Boston IVF to next Monday the 17th.
So then this past week I went to the IVF office to give them my new insurance information, and inquired about getting consents signed. The nurse said we could but it wouldnt do anything since the Doctor wants to get all the test results together before putting together our IVF plan. So we have to wait.....
But WAIT there is more waiting! Once the plan is made, that along with whatever other documentation is needed, will get submitted to Insurance, which then takes 2-3 weeks for approval!
Oh boy! So for about a month or so I am thinking, ok, maybe in July we can finally get this started...injections/medicines and all....but no. The process will get started, but that is just the paperwork...and the waiting. I am hoping that all is good and goes through in time to get started in August.
Running Princess
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Monday, June 19, 2017
Almost 3 years....
If you have read this blog before, don't think I am doing my math wrong, I know I started this blog more than 3 years ago.
But it has been almost 3 years that the hubby and I have been TTC (trying to conceive). The past year, or a little more than that has been ups and downs of testings, and then giving it more time the all natural way, and then exploring deeper.
Back in February we started, well mostly me first, started the journey with Boston IVF. This brought on more tests for me and the hubby, in hopes that maybe the IUI road would work instead of the more invasive IVF. But from further test results, the Doctor we are seeing thinks it is best to just skip right over IUI and onto IVF.
The process has not begun due to other tests and visits to another specialist. So this has been the most frustrating part, is the waiting to begin. The waiting for all tests and doctor visits to be complete until I can get started. I have done all that is needed of me, but now the other half needs to complete all that is being asked of him.
Part of me just wants it so bad, and wants to just scream because things aren't progressing as quickly as they could. This will be more of a venting post, and then as I continue to log this experience and adventure, it will be more about sharing what is happening, and of course the exploration of feelings and moving forward in this process.
After visiting with the urologist today, the doctor wants my husband to have an ultrasound, and to have another analysis of his swimmers done. They did some blood work on him today, which is something that also has been needed to be done, and finally is done. Another thing checked off the list, only to have two more added! Which of course they gave him a date for next week, because of course they only do ultra sounds on Wednesdays....and he has another appointment next Thursday for something unrelated. So then we scheduled it for the following week, not even thinking that it is the day after the 4th of July. So now will I be able to get him to move it up to next week instead, or will be moving out ANOTHER week!?
I can only hope that regardless, when I see my doctor at Boston IVF she will be able to continue with moving this process along, even if it means just signing some consent forms for the process and then when it is the right time, I can start whatever medications they decide I need to get my body ready!
I can only hope that regardless, when I see my doctor at Boston IVF she will be able to continue with moving this process along, even if it means just signing some consent forms for the process and then when it is the right time, I can start whatever medications they decide I need to get my body ready!
Another frustrating thing that i know many others, no matter their fertility status is when you hear someone say "when are you having kids" "lets get going, have kids" "ya know, it would be nice to have a/another grandchild" and so on and so forth, especially from some that know it has been a while since you have been trying......and should know that is might not be easy!
I have been lucky enough that I do have a couple people i know in person and via facebook that have had experience with things related to or having done IVF that I can talk to about their experiences and feel at ease. I have also found reading others experiences via other blogs/looking on pinterest to be helpful in know what to expect once the medication starts, when the egg retrieval happens and when the transfer happens. I am not looking forward to the increase of hormones in my body, and especially not excited about the needles I will have to stick myself with several times just to get those hormones. But I am excited and and feeling very VERY impatient about getting it started and hoping and praying for a positive result!
Stay tuned for more follow up appointment with Boston IVF is June 26th.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Zooma 10-mile training run!
Saturday morning was something similar to a race day morning, minus the crazy crowds, parking problems and everything else that comes with it.
I woke up at 6am, had the coffee pot set to start at 6:10. Time to get up, get dressed and lubed up (chaffing problems), grab my coffee and english muffin smothered with PB and out the door I went. I then got into my car for a nice drive down to the cape to join a group at a Marathon Sports store in Mashpee for a 10mile run.
I do have to say it wasnt what I was expecting. I was expecting more people I guess, and figured that those that have been appointed to be Zooma Cape Cod ambassadors to be there, but as far as I know, the 6 others that were there were not any of them. But I was there, and that was good enough for me.
There were two men there, Greg and Norm who were leading this small group for the run. Greg would run with us and Norm would be on his bike (not fair) in order to make sure everyone was ok, whether they were ahead or behind the group, in case anyone needed anything or maybe there was a need to go fetch a car. Luckily, none of that was needed, except the simple check ins, if there was a need for water or a GU.
For the first .80 of the first mile, surprisingly enough I was the lead. We all seemed to stick together, but Greg and I were sort of chatting it up about the area and part of the course for the upcoming 1/2 marathon. Before we got started, one girl had asked him if he was a 7min miler, and he replied "not right now" and that he would stay with the group, the lead part of the group and go from there.
Eventually I needed to take my walk break, especially considering I had been running for more than 5 min or more straight which is unlike me. Up until mile 2.5 I had a short enough distance between me and the rest of the group that I could still see them. But of course I suddenly felt like crashing, I could have started crying, for some reason my body felt that tired and awful. I wouldn't allow it though, I had driven this far to go more than 3 miles....10 be exact. So with a longer walking break, I got past it and was able to keep going. I had to push through the emotion, and leave it in the dirt.
I tried to maintain a consistent ratio of 1min run and 30 sec walk. There were a few moments where it was 1:30 run, 45 walk...with a little bit of bluriness...
And of course, around mile 4 I really had to Pee! Luckily we were doing an Out and Back route, so at mile 5 I knew we would turn around. Norm had checked in with me at one time, and he let me know there were some porta johns down at the beach, a little past the turn around point. Either way, I would have gone futher just to see the beach! It was pretty!
I also took that break time to have a GU. This would be the third time I took a GU. Peanut Butter again. Shortly after I started back up again I felt really nauseous, to the point that I could have thrown up. Norm told me to drink more water, that I need to drink enough to help the GU break down in my system. As soon as I did I felt better, less nauseous. I continued to try my best to maintain my run/walk ratio, but there were times I felt sluggish. I dont know if it was just being tired or the GU. I felt nauseous a few more times off and on, not as strong, but it made me slow down and drink more water.
The second half definitely included more walk breaks than the first half, but I was going to make it through one way or another. The last two miles I went to a ratio of 1:1. I earned myself the nickname Ms. Consistency from Norm for my wonderful way of run/walking and maintaining my speed (sort of). Roughly the last mile, Norm and Greg met up with me, and Greg finished it up with me. It was really helpful and supportive of them both, and made me feel much better.
The other thing that wasn't helpful were the blisters developing on the side of my heel. More my left foot than the right.
In the end I am proud of myself for getting it done, pushing through the pain and tired-ness.
I treated myself with a fozen mocha from Panera then went home!
I woke up at 6am, had the coffee pot set to start at 6:10. Time to get up, get dressed and lubed up (chaffing problems), grab my coffee and english muffin smothered with PB and out the door I went. I then got into my car for a nice drive down to the cape to join a group at a Marathon Sports store in Mashpee for a 10mile run.
I do have to say it wasnt what I was expecting. I was expecting more people I guess, and figured that those that have been appointed to be Zooma Cape Cod ambassadors to be there, but as far as I know, the 6 others that were there were not any of them. But I was there, and that was good enough for me.
There were two men there, Greg and Norm who were leading this small group for the run. Greg would run with us and Norm would be on his bike (not fair) in order to make sure everyone was ok, whether they were ahead or behind the group, in case anyone needed anything or maybe there was a need to go fetch a car. Luckily, none of that was needed, except the simple check ins, if there was a need for water or a GU.
For the first .80 of the first mile, surprisingly enough I was the lead. We all seemed to stick together, but Greg and I were sort of chatting it up about the area and part of the course for the upcoming 1/2 marathon. Before we got started, one girl had asked him if he was a 7min miler, and he replied "not right now" and that he would stay with the group, the lead part of the group and go from there.
Eventually I needed to take my walk break, especially considering I had been running for more than 5 min or more straight which is unlike me. Up until mile 2.5 I had a short enough distance between me and the rest of the group that I could still see them. But of course I suddenly felt like crashing, I could have started crying, for some reason my body felt that tired and awful. I wouldn't allow it though, I had driven this far to go more than 3 miles....10 be exact. So with a longer walking break, I got past it and was able to keep going. I had to push through the emotion, and leave it in the dirt.
I tried to maintain a consistent ratio of 1min run and 30 sec walk. There were a few moments where it was 1:30 run, 45 walk...with a little bit of bluriness...
And of course, around mile 4 I really had to Pee! Luckily we were doing an Out and Back route, so at mile 5 I knew we would turn around. Norm had checked in with me at one time, and he let me know there were some porta johns down at the beach, a little past the turn around point. Either way, I would have gone futher just to see the beach! It was pretty!
I also took that break time to have a GU. This would be the third time I took a GU. Peanut Butter again. Shortly after I started back up again I felt really nauseous, to the point that I could have thrown up. Norm told me to drink more water, that I need to drink enough to help the GU break down in my system. As soon as I did I felt better, less nauseous. I continued to try my best to maintain my run/walk ratio, but there were times I felt sluggish. I dont know if it was just being tired or the GU. I felt nauseous a few more times off and on, not as strong, but it made me slow down and drink more water.
The second half definitely included more walk breaks than the first half, but I was going to make it through one way or another. The last two miles I went to a ratio of 1:1. I earned myself the nickname Ms. Consistency from Norm for my wonderful way of run/walking and maintaining my speed (sort of). Roughly the last mile, Norm and Greg met up with me, and Greg finished it up with me. It was really helpful and supportive of them both, and made me feel much better.
The other thing that wasn't helpful were the blisters developing on the side of my heel. More my left foot than the right.
In the end I am proud of myself for getting it done, pushing through the pain and tired-ness.
I treated myself with a fozen mocha from Panera then went home!
Cape Cod,
Marathon Sports,
new asics,
training run,
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Trail Runners
Hello...yes I am still here! Are you? The few of you who will actually read this thing I call a blog once and a while!?
It has been a while and I have been doing better with my training...kind of. I have been increasing my mileage, and running, there were times i went out a few times in a week and sometimes going once a week. Not the best idea when training, but putting my best foot forward now. I also purchased a Garmin, my first. I have to say I really enjoy it. I do wish there were other features on it, such as pace timer, if I want be able to keep a steady run/walk ratio as well as being able look back on my laps. It only auto laps, so I only get to see how long it took me to run each lap as it happens.
First I am excited to say that there is now a Marathon Sports close to home! I never shopped there before, and there are local running stores, but this one is right down the street from work which is convenient. It opened a few months ago. They started with a ladies night/yoga night, they have held one Fun Pub Run and now they have started a running group! So that is a bonus.
Another bonus, while at the pub run I met a few people part of another running group called The Wormtown Milers. They meet up every Saturday morning and run a minimum of 3 miles, and others run longer, and there is also a leader of a couch to 5k group. It is pretty great! I have only been to one meet up, but I hope to continue with it, even if I still run solo it is a great way to socialize after the run with fellow runners.
I have discovered a love of trail running. Not legit trails, but rail trails. There are trails throughout Massachusetts, I know there are some in other New England states, but not sure about the rest of the country. Anyways, there are a few local trails either near work or home that I can take advantage of.
Thoughts of a runner always includes this scenario.... (thank you buzzfeed)
10. Oh, shit! A fellow jogger!
11. Should I wave?
12. I’m totally gonna wave.
13. OOOK, they didn’t wave back. Never doing that again.
14. Just keep running, no one saw. Except that old guy who may or may not be averting his eyes.
We all have experienced this I am sure...ok maybe not exactly this, but something along those lines. And ya know what I have found about "trail" runners, walkers and bikers.....almost all SUPER friendly, either with a smile, wave, simple hello or hey! Like we are good friends supporting each other. Since running on the rail trails, I find it harder to get myself out to run in my neighborhood. There is just something different about being out on a trail, somewhat secluded but with other people. Maybe that is what it is, the other people. Knowing there are others out there doing what I am doing..or i should say, being active in their own way, having something and someone else to focus on.
So with roughly 3 weeks to go until the first of two half marathons, what do you think I did. I got my first Sparkle skirt of course!
I am very excited to wear these with pride! I am also excited that I was able to find skirts to match my new sneakers, or was it that I was able to find sneakers to match the sparkle skirts I knew I would order? Which came first the chicken or the egg. hm.
Ok, I have gone on enough for an update.
Coming up: a 10 mile training run with some Zooma girls!
It has been a while and I have been doing better with my training...kind of. I have been increasing my mileage, and running, there were times i went out a few times in a week and sometimes going once a week. Not the best idea when training, but putting my best foot forward now. I also purchased a Garmin, my first. I have to say I really enjoy it. I do wish there were other features on it, such as pace timer, if I want be able to keep a steady run/walk ratio as well as being able look back on my laps. It only auto laps, so I only get to see how long it took me to run each lap as it happens.
First I am excited to say that there is now a Marathon Sports close to home! I never shopped there before, and there are local running stores, but this one is right down the street from work which is convenient. It opened a few months ago. They started with a ladies night/yoga night, they have held one Fun Pub Run and now they have started a running group! So that is a bonus.
Another bonus, while at the pub run I met a few people part of another running group called The Wormtown Milers. They meet up every Saturday morning and run a minimum of 3 miles, and others run longer, and there is also a leader of a couch to 5k group. It is pretty great! I have only been to one meet up, but I hope to continue with it, even if I still run solo it is a great way to socialize after the run with fellow runners.
I have discovered a love of trail running. Not legit trails, but rail trails. There are trails throughout Massachusetts, I know there are some in other New England states, but not sure about the rest of the country. Anyways, there are a few local trails either near work or home that I can take advantage of.
Thoughts of a runner always includes this scenario.... (thank you buzzfeed)
10. Oh, shit! A fellow jogger!
11. Should I wave?
12. I’m totally gonna wave.
13. OOOK, they didn’t wave back. Never doing that again.
14. Just keep running, no one saw. Except that old guy who may or may not be averting his eyes.
We all have experienced this I am sure...ok maybe not exactly this, but something along those lines. And ya know what I have found about "trail" runners, walkers and bikers.....almost all SUPER friendly, either with a smile, wave, simple hello or hey! Like we are good friends supporting each other. Since running on the rail trails, I find it harder to get myself out to run in my neighborhood. There is just something different about being out on a trail, somewhat secluded but with other people. Maybe that is what it is, the other people. Knowing there are others out there doing what I am doing..or i should say, being active in their own way, having something and someone else to focus on.
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do the math...that's right....9 miles total. boom. |
I am very excited to wear these with pride! I am also excited that I was able to find skirts to match my new sneakers, or was it that I was able to find sneakers to match the sparkle skirts I knew I would order? Which came first the chicken or the egg. hm.
Coming up: a 10 mile training run with some Zooma girls!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Back at it again
Yes it is true...i have taken yet more time off from running, yikes! I was doing pretty good last time I wrote, I have even signed up for another 1/2 Marathon in September. Which one you ask?
I am very excited, but also very nervous. It will have been a year since my last half marathon, so I want it to be even more amazing...well everything, the whole experience as well as my finish and finish time. So I discovered via a FB friend a training app called MyAsics. I used it for about a week, and then I got a cold. I couldnt run, it wouldnt have helped me get better. And of course I had signed up for a 10k the following week.
Here is a quick verbal recap with great pics!
So the race took place at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA, home to the New England Patriots!! I have heard of the race before, but just never signed up since it is in the beginning of July, which typically means high temperatures. And of course it was hot, but there was also a chance of rain which meant it was cloudy. So the weather was some what in our favor for a race starting at 6:30PM.
So my friends and I got there early, got to walk around and stretch for a bit. I saw the 5k runners start, there was a LOT of them! Even 5 of the NE patriot Cheerleaders were running.
Then 6:15 or later approached we began lining up. I was not ready for this, but had some goals in mind, but knew if I didnt hit them, I would be ok with that. For the first 4 or so miles, leaving from the stadium parking lot, the race was in a residential neighborhood. And let me tell you, those were the best residents ever! Many of them were outside spraying their hoses and sprinklers at us runners to help keep us cool. It was mighty helpful and very much appreciated.
As we entered the back gate, the stadium was in our sites. Of course you think "I am almost there!" but in reality you still have roughly 1.5 or so miles to go. As you approach a stadium entrace (where you typically scan your ticket) there was a woman saying your almost there, which was kind of true...but still 3/4mile to go i would say. They then take you back into the parking lot and have you run what seems like a mouse maze. Then the big finale!
A run through the tunnel! The inflatable helmet tunnel! It was cool! Photographers are all lined up through to the finish, which of course I forgot to mention the race was called "Finish at the 50" so like it says, the finish like was on the 50 yard line! It was awesome!
I am very excited, but also very nervous. It will have been a year since my last half marathon, so I want it to be even more amazing...well everything, the whole experience as well as my finish and finish time. So I discovered via a FB friend a training app called MyAsics. I used it for about a week, and then I got a cold. I couldnt run, it wouldnt have helped me get better. And of course I had signed up for a 10k the following week.
Here is a quick verbal recap with great pics!
So the race took place at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA, home to the New England Patriots!! I have heard of the race before, but just never signed up since it is in the beginning of July, which typically means high temperatures. And of course it was hot, but there was also a chance of rain which meant it was cloudy. So the weather was some what in our favor for a race starting at 6:30PM.
So my friends and I got there early, got to walk around and stretch for a bit. I saw the 5k runners start, there was a LOT of them! Even 5 of the NE patriot Cheerleaders were running.
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The Finishers!!! Woo Hoo! |
As we entered the back gate, the stadium was in our sites. Of course you think "I am almost there!" but in reality you still have roughly 1.5 or so miles to go. As you approach a stadium entrace (where you typically scan your ticket) there was a woman saying your almost there, which was kind of true...but still 3/4mile to go i would say. They then take you back into the parking lot and have you run what seems like a mouse maze. Then the big finale!
A run through the tunnel! The inflatable helmet tunnel! It was cool! Photographers are all lined up through to the finish, which of course I forgot to mention the race was called "Finish at the 50" so like it says, the finish like was on the 50 yard line! It was awesome!
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free red, white & blue hat swag, fashionable |
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gracious residents! |
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and they had beer.. |
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the end is in sight...but its not as close as you think! |
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a shot of the finish line! |
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a delicious and well deserved burger! |
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Finisher medal!! |
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